About Us
Who We Are
We are a nonprofit organization based on Christian values and beliefs and one of our most important goals is to provide education and materials that help break down barriers to single and couple family progress. Family Builders Fellowship is based in Alexandria, Virginia and was established in July 2006. Family Builders Fellowship believes in building, lasting, healthy marriages and families from generation to generation.
Our Values
We believe the family, as designed by God, is one of God’s primary means of passing on godly values from generation to generation.
We believe that children are a gift from God and Parents should see themselves as God’s ambassadors, working to build strong character in the lives of their children through consistent godly living, nurturing, discipline, and teaching them right from wrong.
We also believe that God gives abundant grace to the broken families. Therefore, we believe He can and does enable them to carry out His functions and principles for healthy family life. We are committed to comforting, encouraging, and teaching these families God’s principles of marriage and family life.
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